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We have the most experienced team in the business. We're easy to work with too.
"I've enjoyed working in the service industry for over 30 years. March 2022 will complete 11 fun and exciting years with Auto Park Fleet. My hobbies are oil painting and gardening. I love God, Family/Friends and United States of America."
lpatrick@autopark.com"I’ve had the pleasure of working for Auto Park Fleet for over 5 years. One thing that I believe sets us apart from our competitors is pride in our work whether that’s customer service, knowledge, and timeliness."
rschott@autopark.com"We care about the customer needing one truck as much as we do our fleet clients. Our team's goal is to make certain that a very important investment in your life goes as seamlessly as possible."
bbeck@autopark.com"No one else is you and that is your superpower"
akindernay@autopark.com"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." — Winston Churchill
mlawler@autopark.com"Our hands-on approach to inventory management is unique in our market. Every truck that we sell, no matter where it is built, goes through a thorough inspection by our staff. When your truck leaves our lot we have made sure it is ready to go to work for you."